usd-2018-0002 | Starface/

Advisory ID: usd-2018-0002
CVE Number: N/A
Affected Product: Starface
Affected Version:
Vulnerability Type: Language Expression Injection
Security Risk: High
Vendor URL:
Vendor Status: Not fixed


In a Language Expression Injection attack the user input is evaluated by the Language Expression Interpreter. The attacker has access to the Java objects which are currently in scope. The impact can be leaking sensitive information up to code execution.

Proof of Concept (PoC)

The ‚items‘ parameter is evaluated by the Java Language Expression Interpreter which may lead to code execution. Vulnerable Requests:
– /config/voicebox/display/
– /config/voicebox/display/
– /template/
The Language Expression Injection can also be used as xss.

=> PoC will be published when all issues are fixed.


Make sure to validate the user input before putting it into the expression language interpreter.


These security vulnerabilities were found by Sebastian Puttkammer of usd AG.