usd HeroLab penetration testers have identified several security vulnerabilities during security analyses. These vulnerabilities affect the products...
Hack The Box: Fatty Writeup
Hack The Box: Oouch Writeup
At the beginning of the year Hack The Box released Oouch, a vulnerable machine created by usd HeroLab consultant and security researcher Tobias...
Security Advisory 07/2020
usd HeroLab penetration testers have identified several security vulnerabilities during security analyses. These vulnerabilities affect the products...
Security Advisory 06/2020
Die Pentester des usd HeroLabs haben während der Durchführung ihrer Sicherheitsanalysen mehrere Schwachstellen identifiziert. Dabei handelt es sich...
Catching the phishes
Florian Haag, dual student in computer science at usd HeroLab, developed a tool chain to automatically detect cloned websites related to phishing...
Security Advisory 04/2020
usd HeroLab penetration testers have identified several security vulnerabilities during security analyses. These vulnerabilities affect the products...
Pentest Scope: How to Determine the Testing Scope?
Pentests are one of the most effective security analysis methods to check the IT security level of a company and identify opportunities for...
Security Advisory 02/2020
usd HeroLab penetration testers have identified several security vulnerabilities during security analyses. These vulnerabilities affect the product...
Unknown Vulnerabilities – Responsibilities of the Finder
The security analysts of usd HeroLab frequently discover previously unknown security vulnerabilities in products as part of their daily...