Hackertag Tour 2016 – usd HeroLab in Aktion

17. March 2016

With the publication of our challenge on March 03, interested parties started to hack codes to applicate for one of the Hackerdays.

On April 26th our security experts will start the Hackerday tour through Germany and will give impressions in latest pentests methods. The Hackerdays themselves are based on the technologies of the usd HeroLab. Attendees could proof their knowledge and creativity and go wild within the HeroLab. We are looking forward to it.

The attendance is free of charge – it’s just about security and community. After the sessions attendees get their personal certificate of the usd Academy for their vita. Furthermore the participation in Hackerdays qualifies attendees for 3 CPEs (Continuing Professional Education) hours.

Tour dates:

Darmstadt April 26 & 27, 2016
Bochum May 03, 2016
Cologne May 04, 2016
Munich May 10, 2016
Hamburg May 18, 2016
Berlin May 19, 2016

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